Ableton Live 10
Ableton Live 10
Ableton Live 10
Serum, Other
Ableton Live 10
Ableton Live 10
Octopus Attack is an Ableton template designed to kickstart your movie or game soundtracks. All the main instrument and drum tracks are set as MIDI tracks so you can completely modify the template - change tempo, structure, arrangement, melodies, drum patterns, and many more. This also allows you to save every sound and instrument and use them in your future productions. The template requires only Ableton Live 10 (Standard or Suite) and Serum.
Ableton Live 11
Warrior is a Cinematic Trailer Ableton template produced with playable multi-sampled instrument racks so you don't need any expensive orchestral sample libraries to work with it. The template is mixed and mastered using stock effects and requires only Ableton Live 10 or higher. Compatible with both Standard and Suite editions.
Ableton Live 10
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