...BTW I love, love, love your templates. I don't use them as templates really, but I learn composition and production by studying your songs. I think they're excellent. Then I try to recreate tracks similar to yours from scratch as exercises and I find it really improves my skills. Thanks again!

Philip M
Music Producer
Just wanted to give you guys some positive feedback. I recently purchased the ''Coming Home'' template and my mind is blown. Please give my thanks to the artist that created the project. It is goddamn incredible and I am learning so much. Your templates are always high quality but this one is by far the best I've seen so far. Cheers.

Emmerson T.
Music Producer
I can honestly say with a abletunes template in place I can now create tracks quicker than ever and more importantly put down for a song what I’m imagining without second guessing my mastering efforts. I now use abeltunes template every time I start a track with my audio and midi instruments routed through the reverbs, eq, and compressors etc that where on the previous purchased template. I have spent much time and money studying video tutorials via the net only to be unhappy with my final mixing. Now my drums, Synth, vocals glue together so tightly I’ve never been happier. Too all would be producers frustrated with there mastering efforts don’t hesitate buy now and get creating!

Music Producer
...I've always had ambitions to get into music, but never knew how to start. I'm learning more about music production, and Ableton live now, than I ever had or will through hours of online classes. Thanks again, and keep it up!...

Music Producer
Hey Guys. Want to thank you on the fantastic work you provide to get all of our creative juices flowing. I learned immensely from your templates and love buying them to see what other techniques you use on different style tracks. Definitely, you guys provide a platform for dedicated uprising artists and individuals to advance their technique and talent who may lack the education or skill in some departments. You really do deliver and I have nothing but the utmost respect for what you do.

Music Producer
Hi guys, just want to say big thank you for all you do. I bought 3 templates from you, and they are awesome, production quality is top class, sounds like beatport top bangers. I was really blown away when I saw that such a top class sound was made only with ableton native plugins, you really opened my eyes. And I want to tell you, I tried other guys templates, for example [removed]. And you know, their templates are suck in comparison with yours, empty master buss, almost no EQ and processing, there is nothing to learn from that templates, but yours is a real deal. Thank you.

Music Producer
Please don't ever stop creating new and awesome templates! Your works are one of the things in life that I feel are worth spending every penny on. As a a man with many musical ideas, you cut the technical side of creating a professional sound, and allow me to focus on bringing my ideas to life. I've had success with your templates, creating music that has been played on BBC Radio here in the UK, and I'm just about to get dug in and get spending on a few more of your tasty templates. Thanks again, for being AWESOME.

Music Producer
I really respect what you are doing with your company. I have been involved with music for a long time and I believe there are a lot of misunderstandings about production. The way music production is taught in many places I feel is completely wrong and often leaves students at the end of their courses feeling uninspired and that they will never achieve their musical dreams. Breaking down songs into professional templates and letting users work out the musical rules is a great way to improve production. Well done :)

Simon Freston
Music Producer
I just wanted to say your templates are amazing! I 'm trying to learn music production and I was starting to feel stuck with the youtube tutorials and masterclasses. But for me these templates are a goldmine for learning !! Thank you for making these.

I wanted to take a moment to say that your templates have changed the way I look at production. These are such amazing starting points and I just had to say how much I appreciate the team there at Abletunes!

Justin U