Sidechainer – Free Auto Sidechain Rack For Ableton Live

This time we are giving away a very simple but useful Ableton Live effect rack called “Sidechainer”. Sidechain compression is the essential effect in current EDM and this rack simplifies this process, providing an alternative to sidechain compression.
Simply drag and drop “Sidechainer” rack on to any track and you will instantly hear that “ducking” effect. This is definitely not a replacement for traditional sidechain compressor but an interesting alternative!
Simply drag and drop Abletunes – Sidechainer.adg into MIDI/Audio track in Ableton or copy it to:
{user name}/Library/Application Support/Ableton/Library/Presets/Instruments/Instrument Rack/
C:\Users\{user name}\Documents\Ableton\User Library\Presets\Instruments\Instrument Rack